Grade 3 or 3rd grade math focuses on strengthening number skills and introducing more complex concepts. Key goals include:
Multiplication and Division: Learning multiplication and division facts up to 12×12, understanding the relationship between the two operations, and solving word problems related to multiplication and division.
Addition and Subtraction: Adding and subtracting within 1,000 using place value strategies and regrouping.
Fractions: Understanding fractions as parts of a whole, comparing fractions, and recognizing equivalent fractions.
Place Value and Rounding: Understanding numbers up to 10,000, rounding to the nearest 10 or 100, and comparing numbers.
Measurement and Data: Measuring length, weight, and volume. Telling time to the nearest minute on an analog clock. Counting money and interpreting bar graphs and line plots.
Geometry: Identifying and classifying shapes, begin understanding area and perimeter, and reconizing symmetry.
Problem-solving: Applying math skills to multi-step word problems and real-life situations.
The focus is on building fluency with numbers, developing problem-solving strategies, and applying math in every day problems.